Introduction to AEDP™: An Experiential, Affect-Focused, Attachment-Based Treatment Model for Transforming Emotional Suffering into Flourishing

08janAll DayIntroduction to AEDP™: An Experiential, Affect-Focused, Attachment-Based Treatment Model for Transforming Emotional Suffering into FlourishingAn online workshopEvent CategorySeminar / Course

Event Details

An Online Workshop hosted by BCG Counselling Group and Presented by Goretti Faria, MSW, RCSW, CCC

  • Monday | January 8 | 7:00pm to 9:00pm
  • Registration Fee: $35

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Workshop Description

We are wired to heal. Despite the painful or traumatic experiences that lead us to hide or banish our true selves, we have a fundamental capacity for self-righting and resuming impeded growth.

AEDP is an evidence-supported psychotherapy model that aims to give clients corrective emotional and relational experiences that mobilize positive neuroplasticity. With the help and support of a sensitive and skillfully attuned AEDP therapist, clients are able to face and process previously overwhelming or avoided experiences, in the service of positive transformation. AEDP’s, affirming, emotionally engaged, affect regulating, and security-engendering therapeutic stance helps clients move through this process and emerge from the experience with a felt sense of relief, clarity, calm, hope, resourcefulness, and resilience.

In this session, you’ll be introduced to foundational aspects of the AEDP theoretical framework and key clinical interventions of the model. You’ll learn how through the co-creation of a safe and secure base in the therapeutic relationship, defensive barriers are softened and deep processing of traumatic emotional and relational experiences can lead to profound healing and transformation.

Those interested can also register for a more in depth training, for which this online introductory presentation is a prerequisite. Find out more about the 2-day training on AEDP in Action here.

About the Presenter

Goretti Faria, MSW, RCSW, CCC is a Registered Clinical Social Worker in private practice in Fort Langley, BC., and a Certified AEDP Therapist and Supervisor.

After working in community mental health for over 25 years, Goretti found her therapeutic home in AEDP in 2014. She has assisted and held the Lead Assistant role at various AEDP training courses throughout Canada, the US, and across the globe. She is co-chair of the TeachAEDP Committee of the AEDP Institute, and has been an active member of AEDP Vancouver. In addition to her clinical practice, Goretti provides individual and group supervision.

Goretti has focused her career on the transforming power of emotional and relational experience, and has been deeply grateful for the personal and professional transformative power of AEDP.

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January 8, 2024 All Day(GMT-08:00)